Monday, June 3, 2013

The things they say...

Yesterday morning as I'm getting ready for church I holler into Raegan's room and it goes like this:
Me: Raegan you need to get up so we can get ready for Church. 
Raegan:(In a tired but alert voice) Mom, can we just skip sacrament and go to nursery. 

Ha ha what 2 (almost 3) year old says that. 2 going on 16... We are headed for trouble!! 

Another funny story. Might be a little too much information but I need to record this so I can embarrass her someday. 
She has been having a little bit of bathroom troubles lately and I keep telling her that she needs to eat her vegetables. Well yesterday as she was sitting on the toilet going #2, with a grunting voice says "I need to eat more vegetables".  I almost peed my pants I was laughing so hard. She is such a funny girl and says the darnedest things. Wish I would have recorded more. Hopefully I will get better. 
I Love this girl


Traci said...

Hahahaha laughed out loud. I love it. Veggies are hard! :) Haha! ANd...lucky duck, I have never in Enoch's three years of life had to wake him up in the morning. {and we are still working on getting him to like Nursery...} ♥

Brock and Emily Gibbons said...

I laughed out loud too!!! That is so funny. She is a SMART girl. Learning early to just go to nursery. LOL. She is so stinking cute. And I love being around her, she is def 2 going on 16!

Skyler and Aubrey said...

hahaha, I love this!