Monday, October 14, 2013

Raegan 3rd birthday


I can’t believe Raegan turned 3 on the 5th of July! She is such a fun little girl. Here are some fun facts about Raegan
-Makes friends very easily
-Loves playing outside, no matter what the weather is
-Loves animals
-has a funny personality(likes to make people laugh) and says some of the darn’ist things
-is a good helper
-loves to cook
-loves to do crafts
-Loves playing in the dirt, but also loves her princesses (she is well rounded :))
-Her hair grows really fast. She has had two haircuts in the last 8 months and needs another one
-talks very well for her age
-Loves music, She has a handful of songs that are “her” songs.
-Started preschool this September and talks about it all the time. She loves it!

We spend her birthday down in Driggs and she was pretty happy about that!She decided this year that she wanted a princess cake. I got lucky and didn’t have to make one because we weren’t home. We ended up buying one and I thought it turned out pretty cute! For her birthday we bought pizza and took it up to the Darby girls camp spot and ate and went down their huge slide they have there. After that we came back down to Grandma Strong's house and had ice cream and cake!


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