Monday, March 16, 2009

We're moving!!

John and I are doing great! We went to Boise this last weekend for a meeting for work, so it was fun for a switch up on our regular weekends. We are so excited...we bought a new T.V. We have been saving our dimes and nickles up since we got married to put in our "T.V. fund" and we finally saved up enough. Its so nice, we love it. The only bad thing is, is that we watch tv so much more now. We use to never watch it cause our T.V. before was one of those way old school ones and about ever 15 minutes you'd have to get up and hit the side of it to keep the screen from going black. Thats what the beginning of marriage life is all about though. haha!

We are moving from our cute little "Sugar City shack". We'll be moving up to Driggs this summer once the high school where I work is out. We decided that now would be a good time to get out of our contract while BYU-I is changing semesters. We will probably live in John sisters house till we move us to Driggs. No one is currently living in her home cause she is trying to sell, so it'll be kind of ideal. We've already had over 15 people come check out our place. So we are deffinitly moving here in the next month. I'll be sad to leave here. We've made so many great memories in our place!!!


The Smaellies said...

It is true, but you will make a lot of great memories where ever you end up next! We will be sad to not have you close anymore! Good luck with the move! Let us know if you need any help!

BriANDaleen said...

That is sad! Will you be coming back in the fall?

Gurr Family said...

We will miss you, it has been a lot of fun getting to know you. Let me know if I can help with anything.