I can't believe my little girl turned one (July 5). We celebrated her birthday on the 3rd cause my parents weren't going to be here on her actual birthday. We had a small little party with some close friends and family. We ate dinner, had some yummy cupcakes and played an intense game of volleyball- girls vs. boys! It was a good time.
Raegan loves all the fun gifts she got. She was some what interested in opening the presents but not long enough to open the whole thing.
Raegan LOVED her cake, she dug right into it without hesitation. She had already test tasted the icing before we could get the cake on her tray to sing happy birthday. It was very entertaining to watch.
She took 12 steps on the 4
th of July, but it wasn't till a few days after her birthday did she really start taking off with her walking (where she walks more than she crawls). She now has 11 teeth. I sure hope after this last molar comes through she will get a break for a bit. It is very painful for me... and her! :) She continues to
surprises us with new words. She said thank you four times the other day, granite she was just
mimicking me, but
that's how she learns, right?! She is just a little copy cat and tries so hard to be a big. We love watching her grow up but are almost sad at the same time cause its going by SO fast!