This summer has gone by so fast. This has probably been one of the best summers I’ve had in a long time. We have spent a lot of time with family and friends and have enjoyed every minute of it. I thought having Raegan this summer would have slowed us down with doing things we enjoy…but there hasn’t been a change at all. She is going to be one outgoing little girl and I love it!

Here is Raegan at 2 months (picture below). She is actually starting to get fun and i know she appreciates me...haha! She smiles all the time and coos.
The last few weeks have topped the summer off just great. John and I celebrated our anniversary on the 23rd of August, I can’t believe it’s been 2 years. We went over to the Oregon coast for a night. It was pretty cold but we still played in the ocean…you can’t go all the way and not. It wasn’t so bad after your body went num. haha.

We stayed at my parents for a couple weeks and while we were there we went to the Benton-Franklin Fair, (of course) and helped grandpa with the horses. Went jet skiing, a lot! Haha way fun! We also blessed Raegan while we were there. It was a very neat experience. 

I thought this was a funny picure. Us wives were all carring the babes while the husbands were behind following like good boys with the strollers ;)

I thought this was a funny picure. Us wives were all carring the babes while the husbands were behind following like good boys with the strollers ;)
This is a picture of My friend Emily and I and her cute baby, Wyatt. We kept teasing that Wyatt and Raegan were going to get married one day. He is exactly 6 months older. I can't even imagine Raegan being that size. They grow so fast.
Raegan is the 3rd generation to wear this blessing dress. Great Aunt Maggie Edler made the beautiful blessing blanket for Raeagn, we love it!
We have now adjusted to having Raegan in our lives. She is a pretty good sleeper at night and i am glad for that. She slept 9 hours last night, it was the best night sleep i've had in a long time.
It was so much hotter in WA than here in Driggs and I already miss it. It is definitely fall here and I am not ready for it. But that does mean its huntin time and we are both excited for that.